English test 7 – Idiom and Phrases

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In this test, we added 15 questions of Phrasal verbs which was previously covered in old syllabus. According to new syllabus, it is removed. But you can be more confident by solving this small test. This is very good test. I hope you will share this test and check also other English tests that linked below or using Table of contents above.

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English test 6 – Idiom and Phrases Part 6

1. To have a dig at—


2. by fits and starts


3. to come to light


4. to brush up


5. to break the ice


6. A bird in hand is worth two in a bush


7. The new secretary made his Maiden speech


8. to chew the cud


9. Blood is than water


10. Green eyed monster


Idioms and Phrases Tests

Unseen Poems Test (14 test added)

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