RPSC Librarian Bharti for 3rd grade 2022 for 460 posts Notification, online exam form, notification, Exam Pattern – Rajasthan pustkalaya adhyksh 3rd grade bharti 2022- राजस्थान लाइब्रेरियन थर्ड ग्रेड के 460 पदों पर नोटिफिकेशन जारी होने वाला है, यह नोटिफिकेशन मार्च 2022 के अंत तक जारी किया जा सकता है.
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राजस्थान के सरकारी स्कूलों में Librarian लाइब्रेरियन के पद भरने के लिए शिक्षा विभाग ने तैयारी शुरू कर दी है. 460 पदों से ज्यादा पर भर्ती के लिए RPSC को पत्र भेज दिया गया है, जहां से जल्द से जल्द इस प्रति का विज्ञापन जारी होगा. इस भर्ती में टीएसपी और नॉन टीएसपी एरिया में सीधी भर्ती का प्रपोजल RPSC द्वारा भेजा गया है, इस भर्ती में TSP AREA के 60 से ज्यादा पदों पर, और NTSP AREA के करीब 400 पदों पर भर्ती होगी.
इन पदों पर नियमों के अनुसार आरक्षण होगा. यहां पर GENERAL CATEGORY के लिए 200 POSTS . अन्य सभी पोस्टों पर आरक्षण होगा. सभी जिलों में लाइब्रेरियन तैनात किए जाएंगे. सभी जिलों में शिक्षा विभाग का फोकस Mahatma Gandhi English medium schools है. ऐसे में इन स्कूलों को प्राथमिकता से पद मिल सकते हैं. यह माना जा रहा है कि अगले सत्र तक Librarian की भर्ती प्रक्रिया शुरू हो जाएगी. अगस्त से सितंबर 2022 तक में भर्ती पूरी होने की संभावना है.
शिक्षा विभाग LIbrarian , और Second grade के अलावा Physical Teacher के third grade और second grade के पदों पर भर्ती की जाएगी. PTI Grade second के 460 और Third grade के 420 पदों पर भर्ती के लिए तैयारी की जा रही है.
RPSC Librarian 2nd Grade 2022 Application Fees
General | 450 रुपए |
OBC NCL / EWS | 350रुपए |
SC/ ST | 250रुपए |
RPSC Librarian 2nd Grade 2022 Syllabus
Library as Social Institution, Development of Libraries in India. Different Types of LibrariesPublic, Academic and Special. National Library of India. Five Laws of Library Science and their implications. Library Legislation- Need, Features and Efforts in India. Copyright Act,
Delivery of Books Act, Intellectual Property Rights. Library Association: International and
National- IFLA, ALA, ILA, IASLIC. Library Education in India. Raja Rammohan Roy
Library Foundation , National Knowledge Commission.
Universe of Subjects- Definition and Purpose, Modes of Formation of Subjects. Definition,
Need and Purpose of Library Classification. Species of Library Classification Schemes.
Features of Colon Classification and Dewey Decimal Classification. Five Fundamental
Categories, Common Isolates, Notation, Phase Relations. Principles of Helpful Sequence,
Use of Devices in Colon Classification.
Catalogue- Definition, Need and Purpose, Brief History and Development of Catalogue and
Cataloging Codes. Physical Forms of Catalogue. Types of Library Catalogue. Subject
Cataloging- Definition, Need and Purpose. Kinds of Catalogue Entries, Chain Procedure,
Sears’ List of Subject Headings. Choice of Headings and its Rendering. Bibliographical
Types of Information Sources: Documentary and Non-documentary. Primary, Secondary and
Tertiary. Evaluation of Information Sources. Need and Purpose of e-resources, e-books,
online journals, databases.
Concept and Need for Reference Services. Types-Long Range, Short Range, Qualification
and Qualities of Reference Librarian.
Concept and Need of Information Services- Document Delivery, Electronic Document
Delivery, Abstracting and Indexing Services, Translation, Literature Search, Alerting
Services-CAS, SDI.
Library Networks and Resources Sharing: Concept and Purpose. National and International
Management: Concept, Definition and Scope. Functions and Principles of Management in
Libraries. Library Operations – Selection and Acquisition, Collection Building and
Development, Technical Processing, Circulation- Charging and Discharging Systems, Serial
Control, Stock Verification, Weeding out.
Library Authority and Committee. Library Personnel- Job Description, Job Analysis, Job
Satisfaction, Job Evaluation.
Financial Management- Sources of Finance, Financial Estimation. Budgeting Techniques.
Library Building. Library Rules. Statistics. Annual Report. Maintenance, Conservation and
Preservation of Library Matarial.
Information Technology – Definition, Need, Scope, Objectives and Components. Historical
Development, Generation and Classification of Computers. Components, Peripherals, Input,
Output and Storage Devices.
Softwares – System and Application Softwares.
Operating Systems – Single and Multi-user, Basic features of MS-DOS, MS- Windows
Library Automation: Definition, Need and Purpose; Application of Computers to Library
Basic Features / Modules of Library and Information Management Software: WINISIS/
General Application Software: MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint.
Telecommunications – Need, Purpose and Objectives
Communication Tools and Techniques: E-mail, Teleconferencing/Video Conferencing, Web
Portals, Social Networking Tools.
Network – Concept, Components, Topologies and Types (LAN, WAN, MAN, VPN)
Internet – Concept, Definition, Origin, Need and Purpose; Internet Services.
Language , Literature & Scholarship : Dialects of Rajasthani language, literature of
Rajasthani language and folk literature. Various language and literary academies of state
government. Higher education institutions and research establishments of state and center
government in Rajasthan. Religious Life: Religious communities, saints and sects in
Rajasthan. Folk deities of Rajasthan. Performing Art: Classical music and classical dance,
folk music & instruments; Folk dances & drama. Visual Art: Handicrafts of Rajasthan,
historical architecture – forts, palaces and temples. Tradition: Costume and ornaments, social
customs of Rajasthan. Festival and fairs in Rajasthan. Various tribes and their customs.
Historical sites and tourist places.
Geography of Rajasthan : Broad physical features- Mountains, Plateaus, Plains & Desert;
Major rivers and lakes; Climate and Agro-climatic regions; Major soil types and distribution;
Major forest types and distribution; Demographic characteristics; Desertification, Droughts &
Floods, Deforestation, Environmental Pollution and Ecological Concerns.
General English :-Articles and Determiners, Prepositions, Modals, Tenses, Change of Voice –
from Active to Passive & vice – versa, Change of Narration – from Direct to Indirect & vice –
versa, Synonyms, Antonyms, Phrasal Verbs, Translation of sentences from Hindi to English
General Hindi– संधि, उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय, पर्यायवाची शब्द, विलोम शब्द, संस्कृति भिन्नार्थक शब्द, शब्द और वाक्य शुद्धि, वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द, मुहावरे लोकोक्तियां, अंग्रेजी वाक्य का हिंदी अनुवाद.
RPSC Librarian 2nd Grade 2022 Pattern of question papers
- Objective Type Paper.
- Maximum Marks : 300
- Number of Questions : 150
- Duration of Paper : Three Hours
- All Questions carry equal marks.
- There will be Negative Marking
RPSC Librarian 2nd Grade 2022 Exam Pattern
Rajasthan Gk and geography | 100 marks |
Library and information science and Basic Computer | 200 marks |
time duration | 3 hours |
total marks | 300 marks |
Negative marking | 1/3 marks |
RPSC Librarian 2nd Grade 2022 – Important Links
Rpsc Librarian Grade 2 Online form | Feb 2022 |
Last date | coming soon |
Apply online form direct link | coming soon |
Rpsc Librarian Grade 2 Syllabus (English) | Download now |
Official notification | Check here |
offical website | check here |