RBSE 12th Board 2024 – Important Phrasal Verbs English

Phrasal verbs ( 2 marks)
Phrasal Verb = Verb + Preposition /Verb + Adverb/Verb + Adverb + Preposition
Phrasal Verbs Prescribed In the syllabus
(1) break (2) bring (3) carry (4) come (5) get (6) put (7) turn.

(1) break

Phrasal VerbMeaningExample Sentence
Breakdown दु:ख से टुटजाना(i) Yesterday the engine of the Shatabdi Express broke down.
(ii) She has broken down after her husband’s death.
Break intoEnter by force सडध लगाना, जबरदस्ती घुस जाना(i) Yesterday a thief broke into my house.
Break outफैलजाना, छिड़ जाना(i) Plague broke out in my city last year.
(ii) The Second World War broke out in 1939.
Break withझगड़ा करना, संबंध विच्छेद करना(i) He is bent upon breaking with me.
(ii) People should break with useless customs.
Breakawayकैद से भाग जानाThe dacoit broke away when he was being taken to court.
Break offTo end, to discontinue, एक जाना, संबंध विच्छेद करनाHe suddenly broke off in the middle of his speech.
Break inTo enter a building by forceRobbers broke in the house at night.
Break upसमाप्त होनाTheir marriage broke up.

(2) bring

Phrasal VerbMeaningExample Sentence
Bring aboutCause to happen, घटित होना(i) Drinking habit brought about his ruin.<br>
(ii) He wants to bring about new changes in the education system.
Bring upLook after, लालन पालन करना, To educate, शिक्षित करना(i) After the death of his mother, he was brought up by his aunt.
(ii) Bring up a child in the habits of truth and honesty.
Bring backयाद दिलाना, लौटाना(i) Your letter brought back some memories of my childhood.
(ii) Please bring back all library books by the end of the month.
Bring downगिराना, कम करना(i) The storm brought down many trees.
(ii) Traders have agreed to bring down prices.
Bring outप्रकाशित करनाMadhyamik Shiksha Board has brought out a number of new books.
Bring onTo help somebody develop or improve – मौखिकार्य या विकास करनाThe Australians bring their new players on so well that they fit well in their national team.

(3) carry

Phrasal VerbMeaningExample Sentence
Carry outआज्ञा का पालन करना, काम को पूरा करना(i) A soldier has to carry out the orders of his officer.<br>(ii) Extensive tests have been carried out on the patient.
Carry onContinue, manage चाल रखना, व्यवस्था करना(i) I will carry on the business even without your help.<br>(ii) You ought to carry on your work honestly.
Carry offजीतनाHe carried off most of the prizes.
Carry throughअंत तक साथ देना, किसी चीज को सफलतापूर्वक पूरा करना(i) His labor and honesty carried him through all difficulties.<br>(ii) It is a difficult job, but she is the person to carry it through.

(4) come

Phrasal VerbMeaningExample Sentence
Come offTake place, to become separated from something(i) The function comes off next Monday.<br>(ii) When I was serving water to the guests, the handle of the old jug came off.
Come roundपुनः होश में आना(i) He hasn’t yet come round from the anaesthesia.<br>(ii) The patient will come round soon.
Come aboutHappen, होना(i) How did this evil event come about?<br>(ii) I cannot tell you how it came about.
Come down uponTo punish, सजा देनाYour officer will come down upon you for your carelessness.
Come byGet, पानाHe came by his wealth by dishonest means.
Come inप्रयोग में आना या फैशन में आनाThe custom came in with the British rule.
Come backReturn, लौटनाFlared trousers are coming back again.
Come ofTo be borne in, जन्मिलनाSri Lal Bahadur Shastri came of a poor family.
Come onApproach, आनाYou go first. I will come on late.
Come uponTo attack, आक्रमण करनाThey came upon the enemy all of a sudden.
Come acrossTo meet by chance, संयोग से मिलना, सामना करना(i) While walking I came across my old friend.<br>(ii) Who can say that he has never come across any difficulty in his life?.
Come downTo fall down, गिरना(i) Prices are not coming down.<br>(ii) Prices have now come down a little.
Come outPublish, प्रकाशित होनाMy new book of English will come out soon.
Come onTo say to walk fast, तेजी से चलने की कहनाCome on or we may miss the train.
Come round toAgree, सहमत होनाI hope he will come round to your views.
Come forwardTo come forward for somebody’s service or helpSeveral people came forward to help the poor widow.
Come overTo overspread, छाया जानाA great fear came over the face of Ravi when he saw a thief with a dagger.
Come up toतक पहुंचनाThe water came up to my neck.
Come intoSuddenly receive money or property, अचानक धन-संपत्ति पानाWhen her grandmother died, she came into a lot of money.

(5) get

Phrasal VerbMeaningExample Sentence
Get upउठनाA good student gets up early in the morning.
Get backप्राप्त करना, लौट आना(i) He has got back his book.<br>(ii) When did you get back from Ajmer?
Get offTo escape, भाग जानाThe thieves entered the house and got off with the stolen goods.
Get aboutइधर-उधर घूमनाHe gets about the whole day.
Get intoअंदर आनाHe could not get into the bus as it was overcrowded.
Get onउन्नति करनाHow is your brother getting on with his studies nowadays?
Get outबाहर जाना“Get out of the class, you naughty boy!”
Get alongTo be friendlyNow India and Pakistan should get along in their relations for mutual advantage.
Get throughपास होनाOn account of hard work, he got through the examination.
Get downउतरनाThe captain got down from his horse and called his servant.
Get rid ofछुटकारा पानाI want to get rid of my lazy servant.
Get aheadTo make progress, उन्नति करनाI want to get ahead in my life.
Get aroundTo move from place to place, एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान तक घूमनाShe gets around with the help of a stick.
Get atTo keep criticizing somebody, किसी की लगातार आलोचना करनाShe is always getting at me.
Get byगुजारा करनाHow do you get by on such a small salary?
Get inTo arrive at a place, एक जगह पर आनाThe train got in late.
Get roundTo persuade someone to do something, किसी को किसी काम के लिए राजी करनाShe knows how to get round her mother.
Get togetherTo meet for discussion, विचार-विमर्श के लिए मिलनाThe Prime Minister should get together with the opposition leaders on the National issues.
Get overTo feel normal again after having an unpleasant experience, दुखद अनुभव से गुजरने के बाद सामान्य महसूस होनाMy cousin has not still got over the death of his mother.
Get awayQuick departure after committing a crime, अपराध कर के तुरंत भाग जानाThe thief got away from my house after snatching the chain.

(6) put

Here’s the information you provided in a table format:

Phrasal VerbMeaningExample Sentence
Put downTo suppress by force, शक्त से दबानाThe terrorism should be put down.
Put acrossTo express, to convey, अभिव्यक्त करना, समझानाShe could not put across her ideas in the meeting.
Put forwardTo present for consideration, विचार के लिए प्रस्तुत करनाHis case was put forward in the meeting.
Put inप्रस्तुत करना(i) He has put in his claim for five thousand rupees.
(ii) She should put in an application for this post.
Put onTo wear, पहननाPut your coat on.
Put offटालना, उतारना, हटाना(i) Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
(ii) He has put off his cap.
Put outबुझाना, बिक्री के लिए तैयार करना(i) Put out the light, please.
(ii) The factory puts out four hundred cars a month.
Put up withTo bear, सहन कर लेनाIt is very difficult to put up with a foolish friend.
Put downTo subdue, to write, कुचल देना, लिखना(i) The government put down the riot in no time.
(ii) Put it down in your diary.
Put upTo lodge, to stay, ठहरना, रहनाWhere do you put up these days?
Put byTo save, बचानाHe puts by a little money every month.
Put awayTo consume food in a large quantity, किसी खाने की वस्तुकी अधिक मात्रा लेनाHe put away a full box of chocolates in one evening.

(7) turn

Phrasal VerbMeaning (English)Meaning (Hindi)Example Sentence
Turn upCome, happen, increase the soundआना, घटित होना, आवाज बढ़ाना(i) Why did you not turn up when you had made a promise to come?
(ii) None can say what will turn up tomorrow.
(iii) Could you turn the TV up?
Turn againstTo become againstविरोधी में होनाHis friends turned against him due to his bad habits.
Turn offTo leave a road, stop listening, stop the flow of waterरास्ता बदलना, सुनना बंद कर देना, पानी के प्रवाह को रोकना(i) The vehicle began to turn off the main road.
(ii) I couldn’t understand what he was saying, so I turned off.
TurndownRejectठुकरानाHe has turned down my proposal.
Turn onTo attack suddenly, start the flow of gas, electricityचोंकाना, गैस, बिजली की चालूआत करना(i) The dogs suddenly turned on each other.
(ii) Please turn on the radio.
Turn outTo manufacture, to evictनिर्माण करना, निकाल देना(i) This factory turns out big idols of gods.
(ii) He was turned out of the meeting.
Turn awayDismissनिकाल देनाHe has so far turned away three servants.
Turn overConsider, trade turnoverविचार करना, व्यापार करना(i) I will soon turn over this matter.
(ii) How much is your turnover per year?
Turn backGo back in the direction from which one has comeपीछे हटनाWe can’t turn back now.