Linking Devices 100 questions Test

In this test we are going to solve the 100 problems of linking devices, If you are not satisfied with the results please take the test again by clicking here.

As per syllabus , Linking device is also know like linking words or connector. Because we are familiar these terms and also you are also read too many rules in books. So this time is to test your performance in this small test where I managed 100 question practice set for you. Hope you will love this. In very down of this test you fill find the star to rate, so please give 5 stars so I can provide free test for you geniunely.

Linking Devices Test 100 questions

1. …….all her friends were on holidays, she stayed in


2. They closed the theme park………the great losses


3. ………the power of the storm, he decided not to sail that day.


4. It was…….a tiring day that we fell asleep immediately.


5. The police cordoned off the area………private cars shouldn’t drive in


6. …….their German was very bad, they could communicate with the shop assistant.


7. You can do the exam……you have your identity card.


8. ………French people love cooking, the English don’t seem very interested.


9. F1 are…………fast that their wheels have to be special.


10. The inspector has come……..supervise all our documents.


11. . I need an office to myself…….I can get some work done.


12. Write it down…….you don’t forget.


13. . I need to get to work early………I can finish the report before the meeting


14. . I’ll tell her……I see her.


15. ……you left, the atmosphere in the office has not been as nice


16. ……..he was the best qualified candidate, he didn’t get the job.


17. He is learning English………he can get a better and more interesting job.


18. …… think of all the people who could have got the job, it seems ridiculous that he was chosen.


19. I’m going to buy a new Beetle,…… I do think they are overpriced.


20. ……’re next in Chicago, give me a call.


21. ……you already know Marry, you should go to meet her at the airport.


22. ………we would like to open a branch in Oxford now, we will probably wait for another year or so.


23. The job is badly paid……I’m looking for another one


24. I hate living in London……..I’m moving to the country.


25. I don’t know him very well,………I have met him socially on a couple of occasions.


26. I don’t know…….I’ll be back.


27. I haven’t seen her………. last summer.


28. ……..we have so much to do, let’s delay discussing this until our next meeting


29. We’re not making much profit……..we need to raise our prices


30. The exercise was boring…….I stopped.


31. ………… being very rich, he never shows off.


32. . I am not feeling well,………. I will come to the party.


33. ………I had my lunch, I didn’t miss Pizza.


34. She never helps anyone…….having a lot of money.


35. You shouldn’t go out…’s raining heavily.


36. My mother……..I went to the market for shopping.


37. Thomas was not telling the truth. ……….he was shouting at me.


38. Please come on time,……we may miss the flight.


39. . We should avoid oily food…… healthy.


40. I will give you my car…… come back before 5’o clock


41. ………my mother was sleeping, I prepared tea on my own.


42. He apologized………his bad behavior


43. He was satisfied……..not overjoyed.


44. ……….it is very cold there, we have postponed our visit


45. Mohan worked very sincerely and was……..promoted.


46. ………my family, I will also invite my close friends on my anniversary


47. I need to work hard…….I can pass the exam.


48. The hurricane destroyed the beach area…….the town had to reconstruct the boardwalk.


49. MAC cosmetics were first designed for models…….they are now used by women all over the world.


50. Harry doesn’t usually like blue cheese……he loves to eat toast.


51. ……… was after midnight, we did not feel tired


52. We had to wait fifteen minutes for the shop to open,………..we had arrived early.


53. Did you go out……stay at home last night?


54. The sun is warm this afternoon, ……the air is still quite cool.


55. ………he helps us, we cannot finish the project on time


56. ……….it was snowing, we played cards.


57. I wanted to study;………. I was too tired.


58. …… rained hard; we still enjoyed the outdoor concert at Kota.


59. . Joan and Elliot chatted about everything………the fact that they had just met that afternoon.


60. . The ski slopes were busy, ……..the cold, freezing weather.


61. We can go……..while you’re ready.


62. Please turn off the lights…….you go to bed.


63. . I like to relax…….. I’m on holiday.


64. I’m so worried about Max. …… hear any news, please phone me.


65. …….you’ve read the newspaper, can I have it?


66. I’m going to keep asking you to marry me…….you say yes!


67. ………you are the wake up in the morning; make me a cup of coffee.


68. …… are having your hair cut, I am going to pick up granddad and take him home


69. Stop at a petrol station……..we run out of petrol.


70. ………we discover life on another planet, will it be intelligent?


71. This is the doctor……..saved my life.


72. Do you know the musician……. I met in Delhi.


73. She likes the gentleman……… I was telling her about the gentleman.


74. . I visited the sisters…………father had recently died.


75. Jerod noticed the stranger……..all the neighbours were starting at the stranger.


76. Pablo threw away the picture……..the boys had found the picture


77. I live in the house…… grandfather was born in the house.


78. He bought a suit………is navy blue.


79. Anna as a new hat……. I like very much.


80. He wanted to paint the bench………a man was sitting on it.


81. He was in the city……. I visited last year.


82. Did you finally meet the woman about ………. I was telling you?


83. Ron sold the house ……he was born in.


84. My father lost the cheque-book…..he kept his credit card in.


85. Did you find the ball…… I threw over the fence?


86. That’s the pretty girl for…….. I wrote this poem


87. I don’t know the people ……he gave the flowers to


88. The hat from ………the magician pulled a white rabbit was empty


89. She forgot the tickets …….she had placed next to her briefcase.


90. They live in a tiny village, ……..we finally located on a map.


91. I plan to take my vacation… June……in July.


92. …….. I’m feeling happy…….sad, I try to keep a positive.


93. ……..had I taken my shoes off……. I found out we had to leave again.


94. ………..only is dark chocolate delicious,…… can be healthy


95. ………I have salad for dinner,…….. I can have ice cream for dessert


96. … ……. trees grow during warm weather


97. …… we enjoy summer vacation,……..we enjoy winter break.


98. . Calculus is……..easy…….difficult.


99. . It’s……going to rain……snow tonight.


100. Savory flavors ……..sweet…….sour


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