Idioms and Phrases Test 4 English 23 June 202219 April 2021 by Avinash modi Please attempt the test given below. 1. To lose one’s head To become nervous To go mad To become confused and over excited To lose the balance 2. By the skin of one’s teeth Hardly Only just Hurriedly In time 3. To throw down the glove To reject the prize To resort to wrong tactics To accept defeat To give a challenge 4. To be in abeyance In a fighting mood Dual minded To be in trouble In suspense 5. To cast pearls before a swine To spend a lot of money on the unkeep of domestic hogs To spend recklessly To offer to a person a thing which he cannot appreciate To waste money over trifles 6. A chip off the old block A piece of wood Characteristics of one’s ancestors An old friend A good bargain 7. To smell a rat To detect bad smell To suspect a trick or deceit to see hidden meaning To misunderstand 8. To take people by storm To put people in utter surprise To bring out something sensational attracting people’s attention To exploit people’s agitation To captivate them unexpectedly 9. To throw up the sponge To surrender or give up a contest To become utterly disappointed To offer a challenge To maintain grit and enthusiasm until the end 10. Harp on To criticise To comment To keep on insulting To keep on talkin 11. To catch somebody on the hop To stand in the way of someone To catch somebody suddenly To give someone a surprise To catch somebody off guard 12. To spill the beans To talk irrelevant To misbehave To keep secrets To reveal secret informatio 13. To bring one’s eggs to a bad market To fail in one’s plans because one goes to the wrong people for help To face a humiliating situation To bring one’s commodities to a market where there is not is no demand for them To show one’s talents before audience which is incapable of appreciating them 14. To hit below the belt To harm unfairly To work confidentially To strike at the exact position To hit the correct mark 15. To get cold feet To fall sick To be afraidTo be afraid To become discourteous To run for life 16. To take a leap in the dark To hazard one self To take risk To do a task secretly To do a hazardous thing without any idea of the result 17. To give/get the bird To get the awaited To get the impossible To have good luck To send away 18. To be at daggers drawn To be frightened ) To threaten one to be ready to face danger To be bitter enemy 19. To turn up one’s nose at a thing To start to grapple with it To show eagerness to have something To treat it with contemptuous To show indifference 20. To save one’s face To hide oneself To oppose To evade disgrace To say plainly 21. To wash one’s dirty linen in public To criticise one’s nature in public To do some ugly work in public To quarrel inthe open To discuss dirty and scandalous matters of personal nature in the presense of strangers 22. A lady’s man A woman-tailor A man working as per a lady’s directions A lover of woman company A timid husband 23. To throw dust in one’s eyes To harm someone To make blind ) To deceive to show false things 24. To throw dust in one’s eyes To make blind ) To deceive to show false things To harm someone 25. To be rolling in money Borrowing money liberally Wasting a lot of money Spending more than his income Very rich 26. To draw a line to fix a limit to caution someone to be stern to insult someone 27. To break the ice. to become cool to break an awkward silence to blast a quarrel to be very strong 28. A raw deal contract not finally decided ) unripe statement unjust treatment early stage of business 29. Spick and span honest and true lean and thin hale and hearty neat and clean 30. It will be wise on your part to let bygones be bygones. . recollect the past resist the past revive the past ignore the past 31. The politician was able to sway the mob with his gift of the gab. persuasive speech natural style of speaking abundance of promise political insight 32. At parties he is always in high spirits. . drunk cheerful uncontrollable talkative 33. He was in the doldrums after the quarrel with the brother. aggressive jubilant sad and depressed assertive 34. One cannot understand the themes in the poetry of Shelley unless one reads between the lines. . read in inattentively reads alternative lines read cursorily discovers hidden meaning 35. He promised to stand by me through thick and thin. in good conditions under no condition ) in bad conditions in all conditions 36. The idiom ‘break the ice’ means- removal the initial hesitation remove the dust insulting someone clearing the dew 37. ‘To smell a rat’ means- to misunderstand to detect bad smell to suspect a trick to see hidden meaning 38. ‘Achilles heel’ means- a folk dance a fatal weakness the strongest point a big hill 39. ‘Salad days’ means- days of abstaining from viees days of one’s youthful inexperience days of one’s old age experience. days full of hatred for all. 40. The idiom ‘At one’s fingertips’ means – balancing on fingers readily available knowledge to take revenge matter of shame 41. ‘To weather the storm‘ means – to feel happy to make a fuss over something to survive in difficult times to be out in bad weather 42. ‘To pull through‘ means – to control to pull with strength to use a lot of energy to recover 43. A fish out of water’ means – in a strange situation face to face with death determined to live in want of a house 44. ‘A wild goose chase’ is – a harsh gesture a violent chase a useless enterprise a pleasurable hunt 45. ‘Make hay while the sunshine’s means – be active during the day be merry during the summer use the sunshine for harvesting make maximum use of a given opportunity 46. ‘To bank upon‘ means – to depend to harness to invest to hope 47. ‘Need of the hour‘ means- the most essential requirement a dire Necessity timely remedy the requirement at a given time 48. The directories of the company put their heads together to solve the problem failed to understand consulted one another listened to each other ran away 49. A wild goose chase a foolish but fruitful search a foolish and fruitless search a foolish but pleasant search a comprehensive search 50. A wolf in sheep’s clothing a hypocrite an honest and sincere man a sincere man an honest man 51. A dead letter no longer dead no longer in force no longer liked no longer in control 52. In a jiffy later after a long time a little later very soon 53. There is a no smoke without fire There must be a cause for happening There is no effect without a cause There is no effect without background There is a no cause without an effect Loading … Hope you liked the test Please share the post now, Rate this post now