English – English Test – Phonetics test 1 18 September 20229 September 2021 by Avinash modi This is the part 1 test having 45 questions from topic phonetics, please attempt this test and check your score now. Read Now Attempt Phonetics testOther English testGoogle Play Store Download appsREET LEVEL 2REET LEVEL 1REET PSYCHORBSE BOOKS Attempt Phonetics test Phonetics Test 1 1. phonetics is the way of learning language the sound systems of languages the study of speech sounds none 2. 2. Phonlogy is The study of ——-systems of languages sound learning teaching none 3. how many sounds in english 11 22 24 111 4. how many sounds in english 11 22 44 111 5. vowel sounds in English 20 62 24 5 6. what are the two points by which pronounciation is studied phonetics and phonology articularily and phonatory respiratory and articularly none 7. we produce sounds with the help of lips and teeth the organs of speech voice box none 8. what are the types of speech sounds in English vowels and consonents pulmonic and gloattic consonants and glottalic none 9. what are the types of vowels centring and closing monothongs and dipthongs plosive and affricates none 10. Cardinal vowel scale was devised by Daniel jones Daniel vettory Jeperson None of these 11. Phone means A single sound Distintive sounds Two words differ only in one sound none 12. Syllable means A word – Smallest unit of a word usually consisting of a vowel sound with a consonant before and after – A union of three vowel together none 13. Stress is carried on – The vowel The consonant Complete word None 14. Speech sounds are studied under ethics phonetics phonology morphology 15. 44 sounds are groupped under IPA ENGLISH ALPHABET International phonetic associatio none 16. The IPA or monophthongs and dipthongs in IPA 9,15 8 12 12 8 15 9 17. The number of voiced and voiceless consonants in Sounds are 12,9 9,15 15,9 none 18. the number of vowel and consonant sounds are 24,20 20,24 12,8 none 19. How many branches of phonetics are 3 4 5 6 20. Transmission of speech sounds is called auditory articulatory acoustic none 21. Perception of speech sounds is called Articulatory Acoustic auditory none of these 22. How many centering dipthongs in IPA 2 3 4 5 23. How many plosive consonant sounds are there in IPA 1 3 6 9 24. how many pure vowels are there in English 8 12 18 20 25. how many dipthongs ar e 9 8 7 6 26. how many long vowels in 12 pure vowels 5 6 7 8 27. how many centering dipthongs are there in English 3 4 5 6 28. Closing dipthongs in English 5 6 7 8 29. How many typs of consonants are in English 6 7 8 9 30. Affricates are in English 2 3 4 5 31. Fricatives in English (Asked In REET 2.0) 6 9 12 15 32. Nasal sounds in English 3 4 5 6 33. Lateral sounds 1 2 3 4 34. Semi Vowels In English are 3 6 4 5 35. Number of pure vowel sounds and vowel glides sound are 9 15 12 8 7 5 3 5 36. Find the incorrect Pure vowel sounds is called Monophtohong Dipthongs are vowel glide sounds Vowel sounds are voiceless none 37. Triphthong caste Paste Brand Fire 38. A consonant sound is a sound of high frequenc a sound which is produced with friction a frictionless sound none 39. Consonant sounds are in Ipa 44 34 24 13 40. Number of voiced consonants 12 15 13 14 41. A phoneme Real pronounciation Received pronounciation Regular pronounciation none 42. a vowel sound is voiceless – voiced in production of which there is no obstruction – voiced with friction sound none 43. the phonetics symbol helps to recognize the meaning of the words speech sound of a language use of grammar semantic aspect of language 44. Produce sounds with the help of the vocal chords the time machine the corona the liver 45. Monophthongs pure vowel pure vowel sound mixed vowel sound none 46. consonant and dipthongs in IPA 15 8 29 2 19 10 9 12 47. Find the incorrect 26 letter having 44 sounds 44 sounds studied under phonetics 8 monophthongs in IPA vowel sounds are voiced Loading … Other English test Click here to attempt them Google Play Store Download apps REET LEVEL 2 REET LEVEL 1 REET PSYCHO RBSE BOOKS